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Best AI Tools For Shopify Store (Free & Paid)

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Best ai tools for shopify store

The AI revolution has begun. While AI (artificial intelligence) has existed for years, it wasn’t until the release of Chat GPT in November 2022 that AI went mainstream. Chat GPT presented a conversational AI model that was easy to use with simple prompts (questions). Since then, there have been multiple AI tools releases with multiple applications. Existing AI tools have also gained immense popularity in 2023. Our focus here is on the best AI tools for a Shopify store. But first things first;

Why Use AI Tools?

AI tools have many benefits. First and foremost, they automate repetitive tasks. They also do many tedious and monotonous tasks faster than humans. As a result, the tools can replace humans in many tasks and offer added benefits like lower costs. When costs are lower, it is possible to deploy excess working capital in other areas, such as scaling.

AI APPS for Shopify Store to Help You Work Faster and Boost Sales

If you have a Shopify store and want to enjoy the benefits of AI, here are the AI Shopify tools you should consider using;

1.’s AI Sales Email Assistant works as a sales email assistant. Shopify store owners need to create and send multiple emails constantly to respond to customers and as part of handling typical tasks like processing orders. However, the emails with the best response are those that are personalized and have a human touch. Instead of hiring a full-time sales email assistant, you can use at a fraction of the cost. What’s more, you’ll generate all types of emails (first-step emails, follow-up emails, etc.), maximize reply rates, and ensure you send error-free emails that are personalized with a human touch.

Ai app for email marketing

2. Chat GPT

Chat GPT is another great AI tool to consider. Actually, it’s a very power AI tool and can save you lots of time when you run your bussiness. For instance, you can easily create marketing contents for your Shopify store and share in Facebook, instagram, Youtube, reddit and other social media platform by using ChatGPT. Or you can try to use it to write or update the user manual for your products.

Chat GPT can also be used to generate blog posts ideas for content marketing purposes.Use special prompts to find related keywords, create the outline of the article, or even write the title and meta description. In this regard, Chat GPT can work as an AI tool for SEO. So don’t miss out and give this free AI tool a shot!\

Also read: How ChatGPT Can Be Used In Shopify SEO?

Chatgpt for shopify seo

3. Squirai AI SEO

While Chat GPT can handle the content side of SEO, Squirai AI does great job in Image optimization. Most importantly, Squirai’s solutions are specifically designed for Shopify merchants. It’s possible to optimize images with good alt text and perform AI SEO bound to boost your Shopify store sales. The application has automated content creation, offers e-commerce integration, and comes with 5-star customer support.

Squirai AI for shopify seo

4. Smart Search & Product Filter

This is another highly rated AI tool for Shopify stores. Smart Search & Product Filter is an AI-powered product filter and search tool that drives sales by optimizing filter and search capabilities. It improves a Shopify store’s search and boosts conversion using a powerful AI-powered search engine. The Smart Search & Product Filter solution will shorten the typical Shopify customer journey and boost revenue. Notable features include an advanced product filter, smart instant search, smart merchandising, and advanced analytics, which are all aimed at providing valuable insights and boosting sales.

Smart Search & Product Filter

5. Browse AI

This is another powerful AI tool for collecting data and providing valuable insights to help boost sale for your Shopify store. Browser AI makes it incredibly easy to monitor and collect data from any websites in the internet. In a few minutes, the tool can be trained without any need for coding. It’s possible to extract specific data from any sites like reddit,Google,Facebook in a spreadsheet automatically, monitor data (get notifications on changes) and browse your prebuilt robot to identify popular use cases. Browser AI is currently being used by many individuals and global teams, including Zapier, HubSpot, and Amazon.

Best ai tool for shopify
Browse AI tool for marketing

6. Onollo: Social Media Marketing

Onollo is arguably the best AI tool for social media marketing currently. The application works as a social media automatic poster for all major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. The tool eliminates the tedious and time-consuming job of posting manually on social media. You can post product data, photos, and YouTube videos automatically to all social media platforms at the perfect time based and frequency on AI predictions.

Onollo makes it possible to maintain an active social media presence on all major social media platforms and enjoy the benefits of social media presence minus the high cost of hiring a full-time social media manager.

7. Pictory: AI video generator for video marketing

Lastly, there is Pictory, an AI video-generating tool that simplifies and lowers the cost of video marketing immensely. Research shows that 73% of people in the US are digital video viewers i.e., 244 million people. However, while people are seeking video content online, making videos conventionally is a tedious, time-consuming, and expensive affair. Pictory makes video marketing easy by automating many aspects of the process.

For instance, it’s possible to make highly sharable branded videos using existing long-form content in your Shopify website. You can also extract information from Teams, Zoom, and Webinar recordings and create videos automatically. Most importantly, the process is quick, simple, and cheap, and you don’t need any prior video-making skills.

AI tool for video marketing


AI has revolutionized how we do many things. The technology has many use cases across industries. Most importantly, AI can help you reduce your workload and boost sales for your Shopify store. The above AI marketing tools for Shopify are tested and proven to make running a Shopify store easier.

You can automate email marketing with, automate content creation with Chat GPT, automate SEO with Squirai, generate online marketing videos automatically with Pictory, and do fast, simple, effective, cheap, and automated social media marketing with Onollo.

The above tools are arguably the best AI tools for Shopify stores keen on leveraging AI. Whether the tools are free or paid, you are better off using them than doing the underlying tasks conventionally.

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