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Contribute To Us

Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributor for We are looking for writers to cover e-commerce topics that they know very well. We’re looking for marketers who want to share their knowledge and advice. We are NOT looking for posts written to get a link to a product page with pre-determined anchor text.

Acceptable Topics

The Traffic Pie is an eCommerce and technology website, and we cover topics that our target audience (marketers or business owners) are interested to read. All topics must be niche-specific. We welcome you to pitch topics that reasonably fall under the umbrella of one of the following categories:

  • eCommerce Operations
  • SEO
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Online Store Design
  • Dropshipping
  • Apps Recommendation For Online Store

BTW, if you have another creative idea that you think our readers would like, feel free to drop us messages.

Editorial Standards

  1. Word Length: 1,500-3,000 words
  2. Articles often run with a custom illustration.
  3. Keep it SEO-Friendly:
  • H1 Title that contains your focus keyword or a close variant.
  • Adding 2 links to the contents which has been created earlier from, and we accept link to helpful content such as blog posts, case studies, research, etc, from other sites.

4. Submitting Your Draft: attach your document or send us your GDoc link with edit access.

5. If your pitch is a good fit, our editorial team will be in touch to let you know we’d like to move forward. We will provide you with a keyword and an outline to create your post around.

6. Once you’ve created a blog post for us, you cannot republish it anywhere else, including on your own site.

If you’d like to Contribute to The Traffic Pie, use the email below to be in touch with us.