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10 Most Common Questions Asked to Chatbots on Shopify?

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Chatbot Question Examples

Chatbots are a great addition to any Shopify store. They are a significant part of the overall customer experience, given they answer important questions. Assessing the most common questions asked to Chatbots can offer great insights on how to improve your customer’s experience and increase conversion rate of your store. 

We’ve taken the liberty of listing and discussing the most common questions asked to Shopify chatbots and the corresponding answers to those questions. Let’s get started.

10 Chatbot Question Examples You Need To Be Prepared For To Help Customers

Care to know what your potential Shopify customers will type on your Chatbot? Here is a questionnaire for chatbots that you should prepare to answer before you add a Shopify chatbot to your Shopify store. 

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Question 1: “Can I Track My Order?”

This question is very common. To answer it conclusively, think about the following;

A. Explanation of order tracking feature

Does your Shopify store shipping app have an order tracking feature? How does it work?

B. How to access order tracking information

Think of whether you have a link that you can share to customers to track specific orders. Alternatively, you can direct them to their tracking information i.e., if sent via email.

C. Additional support options, if needed

Customers may require additional assistance after you explain tracking features and provide order tracking information. A dedicated shipping page can come in handy.

Question 2: “What Are Your Shipping Options?”

Your chatbot sample questions will also include shipping-related queries. To answer this question, think about the following;

A. Overview of available shipping methods

What are all the available shipping methods you offer?

B. Shipping costs and estimated delivery times

Think of the typical costs, free shipping, discount shipping, etc., and average delivery times for various shipping methods subject to factors like delays.

C. Any special conditions or restrictions

Shipping may be subject to unavoidable delays, restrictions (in weight, items, etc.), among other eventualities. 

Question 3: “How Can I Return or Exchange A Product?”

Chatbot questions may also be about returns. You need a returns policy in place to address returns effectively. Consider the following;

A. Explanation of the return and exchange process

Have details beforehand on the entire return process.

B. Eligibility criteria and time limits

Return processes have certain guidelines i.e., time limitations, shipping information, eligibility for returns. This information should be readily available.

C. Providing assistance with initiating a return or exchange

Customers may need additional assistance with returns or exchanging products. Have a detailed returns policy providing all the information.

Question 4: “What Payment Methods Do You Accept?”

Your Shopify store customers will want information on accepted payment methods. Consider the following to answer this question satisfactorily.

A. List of accepted payment methods

Prepare a list of all payment methods you accept, including unique payment methods like Shopify Payments, BNPL, etc.

B. Explanation of any payment gateway integrations

If you have payment gateway integrations, explain to customers how to use them and the benefits i.e., lower fees, payment in installments, etc.

C. Assuring security and encryption of payment information

To alleviate customer concerns, offer payment security and related information.

Question 5: “Can I Cancel My Order?”

Although rare, some customers may want to cancel their orders. Here’s how to deal with such questions.

A. Policies and conditions for order cancellations

There should be clear policies and conditions where orders can be canceled. 

B. Deadline for canceling an order

Cancellations should also be allowed within a certain timeline i.e., before shipping or before x number of days after purchase.

C. Steps to cancel an order or seek assistance

You also need to have information readily available from the chatbot on a step-by-step cancellation process and seeking further assistance.

Question 6: “Do You Offer Discounts or Promotions?”

Your customers will want discounts. To answer this question, consider the following;

A. Overview of current discounts or promotions

Any information on active promotions/discounts should be readily available and up-to-date.

B. How to apply discounts or access promotional offers

Information on claiming discounts, coupon codes, etc., should also be available.

C. Any specific terms and conditions to be aware of

Chatbots should also offer specific terms for claiming offers i.e., x% discount for orders above $x.

Question 7: “What Is Your Customer Support Contact Information?”

If contact information isn’t readily or fully available in your store, you will get this question.

A. Providing customer support contact details

Your chatbot should be able to provide contact details such as telephone, email, and physical location.

B. Operating hours and response times

Chatbots should also be programmed with response times to show customers when they should expect a response.

C. Alternative support channels if available

If available, the chatbot should pull information on other channels like WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.

Question 8: “Can I Change My Shipping Address?”

Occasionally, customers may change addresses before getting their shipment. Prepare for this question by considering the following.

A. Explanation of the process for changing shipping addresses

There should be a step-by-step guide on changing shipping address. The information can be included in the shipping information.

B. Deadline for making address changes

The chatbot should have timelines for changing address in line with other processes like shipping. 

C. Providing assistance with address updates

Lastly, you need to think of what more assistance can be provided when changing an address. For instance, what information is required (i.e., new address, name, etc.), and where can the request be made? Email?

Question 9: “What Are the Product Specifications?”

Customers may want more product information if not provided or even when present in your store. Think of the following to tackle this question.

A. Guidance on finding product specifications on the website

Chatbot sample questions on product specifications can be tackled by having a guide on where to find product info on the website or a link to such information.

B. Alternative sources of product information, such as manuals or guides

To boost customer satisfaction, it helps to have more information, such as detailed guides and manuals from alternative sources such as manufacturers.

C. Assisting with any specific product-related inquiries

Chatbots should be able to query inventory and answer questions related to specific products.

Question 10: “How Can I Create an Account?”

Lastly, customers may want a quick way to create an account before purchasing from you. The following considerations will help answer this question;

A. Instructions for creating a customer account

There’s a need to have detailed instructions or a link to creating an account.

B. Benefits of having an account

A summary of top benefits i.e., points, discount codes, etc., will help to incentivize account opening, have 

C. Assisting with any account-related issues

Lastly, customers who ask for account opening assistance will need other related information or assistance.


There you go. We’ve discussed the best chatbot question examples to pay attention to. The chatbot questions and answers template above should help you plan for the kind of queries you will get and how to deal with them. While there are many other chatbot prompts, our chatbot sample questions above are adequate to prepare you to help customers. Use the above information as a basis for a more complete chatbot questions and answers list.

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